DCT_CCT_40th_logoContact: Ashley Volkens

Phone: 203-576-1634 x112




September 29, 2015

The Downtown Cabaret Children’s Company Presents

Sleepy Hollow


Bridgeport’s award winning Downtown Cabaret Theatre (DCT) Children’s Company opens DCT’s 40th anniversary season with Sleepy Hollow. Performances run:

Opening Weekend: October 10 & 11, Saturday and Sunday at 12noon

October 11 – November 1, Saturdays & Sundays at 12noon & 2:30pm

The town of Sleepy Hollow has always been shrouded in mystery, but when the new school teacher, Ichabod Crane comes to town, he and his new found friends decide it is time to solve the mystery and put an end to the stories. Along the way, Ichabod and the gang sing, dance, and have fun discovering that things are not always as they seem, and ghost stories are not always to be believed.


We will be holding a Costume Contest on October 31st (Halloween) for both the noon & 2:30 performances. YOUR ROLE: When you arrive at the Theatre you will find a photo booth set-up. Sign-up for the contest at the booth and strike a pose! Please note, sign-ups will be held before the show and during intermission! WINNERS: At the end of intermission, our team of judges will collaborate and pick the winners for a variety of categories. Then, at the end of the show, the cast will call all participants on stage and announce the winners!

For tickets and information visit or call the box office Mon – Fri, 10am – 5pm, (203) 576-1636 Option 0.


Notes to Editors:

If you would like more information about Sleepy Hollow or to schedule an interview with DCT Executive Director Hugh Hallinan, please contact Ashley Volkens, 203-576-1634 x112, or

Ticket Prices: Adults – $23, Children – $19

Performances run no longer than 75-80 minutes with a 10 minute intermission.

The Downtown Cabaret Theatre is wheelchair accessible. Please inform the Box Office of any special needs when ordering tickets.

For more information, or to purchase tickets:

  • By Phone: Box Office: 203-576-1636 Select Option 0
  • In Person: At DCT Box Office, 263 Golden Hill Street, Bridgeport, CT. Hours are Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm, and 90 minutes prior to performances
  • Online:
  • By US Mail: Downtown Cabaret Theatre, 263 Golden Hill Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604, Attn: Box Office
  • Tickets, information, seating charts are available at